BUILD IT is a one-stop commercial general contractor who can oversee and simplify the entire project process from permits to plumbing. Thanks to our in-house team of design, trade, and project management specialists, we’re able to complete most – if not all – of your critical construction components without hiring countless subcontractors who will drive up the cost and timeline of your project. With BUILD IT, you’ll get one team who can do it all.

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What does a commercial general contractor do?

In broad terms, a general contractor is responsible for overseeing all the day-to-day coordination of a construction project, managing the on-site work and teams throughout each phase of building. They coordinate with architects and engineers to understand the structural requirements of the project, manage subcontractors, building codes, select and secure materials and equipment, and are primarily responsible for ensuring the overall safety of their job site.

Helping you make the right decisions

General contractors also play an important role in guiding clients through the countless decisions that need to be made during construction. How do you choose the right materials, finishes, adjustments, and a million other considerations without compromising on quality or budget? These questions require serious trade knowledge, and your general contractor will help you arrive at the right answers.

It’s also become common for a general contractor to be involved in the pre-design phase of the project – and that is especially true within BUILD IT’s integrated team delivery model. As a full service general contractor, we help provide estimates and assistance with site-planning, which often leads to cost savings and more efficient scheduling. And while most traditional general contractors have to rely on several third-party subcontractors, BUILD IT is largely able to rely on internal teams to complete the job.

The difference between a general contractor and a subcontractor

Under most traditional construction work models, the general contractor is the quarterback who organizes and hires out all the various aspects of a project. They’re typically the ones under contract to the project owner, and are sometimes referred to as the “direct” contractor. The third-party specialists they hire – such as roofers, plumbers, painters, and others – are what we call subcontractors.

It’s not uncommon to require upwards of 30 subcontractors for a relatively simple project, so managing all these different teams (and their pay) can become quite a challenging process. Managed improperly, it can end up costing a lot of money, especially if the general contractor is marking-up the prices to account for their own services. But here at BUILD IT, we’re able avoid these downfalls by relying on a centralized team throughout the project – working towards the same goal instead of competing for margins.  

Simplify the contracting process with BUILD IT

By hiring a full service general contractor like BUILD IT, you’ll be able to avoid these additional costs since our “subcontractors” are most often full-time BUILD IT employees. Instead of getting dozens of different quotes from different sources that can slowly creep in cost as the project progresses, our general contractor model will unify all fees under the same budget, overseen by your project manager to ensure there are no nasty surprises along the way.

If you’re looking for a full service general contractor who can manage all the most important aspects of your project without driving up labour, material, or unexpected costs – turn to the team at BUILD IT. We’ll help you navigate every step of the general contracting process and help you create something special.

Want to get in touch about our Full Service General Contracting service?

Contact one of our nearest office locations here: Toronto / Mississauga / Calgary or Fill out the “Contact Us” form below.

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